Breakaway is the story of Rajveer Singh (Vinay Virmani), a young and dedicated teenager who had to give up college half-way through due to his father, Darvesh Singh (Anupam Kher) who insisted on Rajveer leaving college for the family business. Rajveer and Darvesh had never gotten along, since the family is Sikh, due to a childhood accident, Rajveer has taken his turban off since a very small age. Rajveer still meets up with his Sikh friends, and when they get the time, they play hockey as a hobby. One day, while practicing hockey, a few players insult the Singhs, and Rajveer and his friends beat the other players at hockey. Realizing how good they are, Rajveer decides to make a hockey team with his friends.
His father completely disagrees with this, and forbids him to ever play hockey again. Unwilling to take the sorrow, his friends convince him to join the team, and all together, they name their team, "Speedy Singhs". The Speedy Singhs turn out to be a huge commercial success, but they need to get into the championship to earn real fame, so using the help of Coach Dan Winters (Rob Lowe), they all start practising day and night for the tournament. Rajveer lies to his family by telling them he is working extra at his job, but never has the courage to tell them that he plays in his own hockey team. The tournament begins, and during the first match Rajveer is caught by his businessman uncle, Sammy (Gurpreet Ghuggi). Sammy promises not to tell Darvesh, and so goes on the tournament with Speedy Singhs.
Whilst playing, Rajveer falls in love with Dan Winters' little sister, Melissa (Camilla Belle). The two love each other, and keep on meeting. A night before the hockey finals, Rajveer lies to his father and says he is going to New York for a job delivery, though his father spots him playing Hockey in the semi-finals. Eventually, before the finals, at his sister's wedding, Rajveer comes up with a turban, and explains his passion about Hockey to his father. Darvesh is still angry but lets him go. Due to this, Rajveer isn't playing any well during the match, but when his family shows up to support him, he helps the team win.
He unites with his father Darvesh, plans to marry Melissa, and the Speedy Singh's become superstars.
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His father completely disagrees with this, and forbids him to ever play hockey again. Unwilling to take the sorrow, his friends convince him to join the team, and all together, they name their team, "Speedy Singhs". The Speedy Singhs turn out to be a huge commercial success, but they need to get into the championship to earn real fame, so using the help of Coach Dan Winters (Rob Lowe), they all start practising day and night for the tournament. Rajveer lies to his family by telling them he is working extra at his job, but never has the courage to tell them that he plays in his own hockey team. The tournament begins, and during the first match Rajveer is caught by his businessman uncle, Sammy (Gurpreet Ghuggi). Sammy promises not to tell Darvesh, and so goes on the tournament with Speedy Singhs.
Whilst playing, Rajveer falls in love with Dan Winters' little sister, Melissa (Camilla Belle). The two love each other, and keep on meeting. A night before the hockey finals, Rajveer lies to his father and says he is going to New York for a job delivery, though his father spots him playing Hockey in the semi-finals. Eventually, before the finals, at his sister's wedding, Rajveer comes up with a turban, and explains his passion about Hockey to his father. Darvesh is still angry but lets him go. Due to this, Rajveer isn't playing any well during the match, but when his family shows up to support him, he helps the team win.
He unites with his father Darvesh, plans to marry Melissa, and the Speedy Singh's become superstars.
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